Unhelpful Things People Say In Risk # 5

“Trusting God in risk is a specific action, not a belief.”

-Anna Hampton

“Just Trust God."

This series is based on real statements really heard in risk situations.

"Just trust God" surely sounds like a godly thing to say to someone seeking help in the risk situation.

However, the reason a global worker may be coming to you is to share the problem and ask for input on how to trust God or what trusting God in this situation looks like.

All too often, there is the presumption on the part of Christ followers that trusting God in risk means moving into danger. As has been amply demonstrated throughout the Bible, God's people were called into danger but many times also were called to flee danger. There is no one standard response to the risk question or what trusting God looks like in risk. 

However, trusting God does look like obedience to His leading.
Sometimes, trusting God means we face imprisonment, persecution, even death knowingly and willingly, but other times, it means trusting Him with our reputation and fleeing the danger.

The Church rightly elevates those who were persecuted or martyred, but misses the opportunity to recognize, affirm, and celebrate those who risked their lives while thriving through adversity for His sake in difficult cross-cultural situations and lived to tell about it and share His glorious works with others (Psalms 145:4; 40:5;).

Our brother Paul stated, "For me to live is Christ, but to die is gain" (Phil 1:21). Living is Christ - it means living and not dying reveals Him, although we know that if we die for Him, we gain His uninterrupted presence for all eternity.  But dying means we lose the ability to reveal Him here on earth to a desperate and dying generation.

Living-in-risk-long-term-with-joy is much harder than dying in risk, because God gives such amazing grace and strength to those suffering and being killed for His sake.  But living through risk requires a continual facing of fears and choosing to work through the confusion and threats and stay focused on Him and His Kingdom, often at the expense of what our spouses and children suffer at the same time.

In risk, God gives grace, but for each moment, just enough strength to press on for another day, hour, or even minute.This is how faith is strengthened and grows - through perseverance in all manners of adversity.

Don't give this unhelpful response.

Instead consider asking, "What does trusting God look like in this situation for you?" or "What do you think He is calling you to trust Him with as you face this risk situation?" Or “What do you sense is God’s leading in this situation?

When we give a considered responsive question like this, then we are Christ's instruments to help the global worker hear his voice as Samuel heard it and follow Him faithfully.


When Women Are Erased From Public Life


Unhelpful Things People Say In Risk # 4