Book cover with a profile silhouette and large question mark. Title "Facing Fear" is in bold letters. "The Journey to Mature Courage in Risk and Persecution." Author name: Anna Hampton.

Detailed Table of Contents Downloadable PDF Here

Facing Fear: The Journey to Mature Courage

in Risk and Persecution


Risk Definitions and Limitations

Part One: The Twenty-First Century Challenge

Chapter 1: When Your Back Is Against the Wall

From Aristotle to the Twenty-First Century

Framing the Global Reality

Defining Persecution

The Reality

Avoiding the Global Reality

Chapter 2: The Squeeze, the Smash, and the Rhomphaia

Greek Terms

Risk and Threat Terms


The Squeeze

The Smash

The Rhomphaia

Wolf in Sheeps Clothing

Our Biological Families

Collateral Violence

Part Two: Biblical Background

Chapter 3: An Introduction to a Grammar of Fear and Courage

Fear in Hebrew and Greek

The Gift of Fear

Courage in Hebrew and Greek

How to Know When You Have Enough Courage

Too Much Fear

Too Little Fear

Just the Right Amount (Situational Awareness)

Don’t Export Fear

Attachment Theory 

Fear in the Body

The Courage of Cowardice


The Path of Fear and Courage

How Jesus Reorders Our fears

Chapter 4: Temptations, Idols, and Ancient Heresies in Risk

Temptations in Risk and Persecution

Idolatry in Risk

Ancient Heresies in the Twenty-First Century

Chapter 5: Anti-Fragile Faith

Sheep Among Wolves

Right Expectations 

Uncertainty and Black Swans

Unsurprised By Failure

Worst Case Failure

Only the Wounded Can Serve

Chapter 6: Put the Candy Jar on the Lower Shelf

Discerning Reality at the Beginning

Log Frames and Human Responsibility

Discerning Meaning in Risk and Persecution

Part Three: Essentials of Decision-Making in Risk

Chapter 7: Shrewd as a Serpent

Snakes and Habitat Sinks

Kingdom Ethics 

Piquah Nephesh and Other Unethical Things You’ll Never Do

Ethics and Risk Management

Duty of Care and When Staff Refuse to Evacuate

Applied Ethics

Deception vs. Truth-telling


Bribery and Extortion vs. Gift-giving

Paying Ransom 

Risking the Lives of Adults and Children

Doves and Moral Courage

Chapter 8: Thinking about Thinking 

Ways of Approaching Risk

Risk as Politics, Feelings, and Analysis

Perception of Risk

Thinking Across Cultures

Crisis vs. Non-Crisis Cultures

Dread Fear

Biases in Witness Risk

Uncover Biases in Witness Risk

Diminish Group Think 

Dangerous Attitudes

Mental Mistakes People Make

Chapter 9: Risk Axioms

Risk Axiom #1: Risk is situational  

Risk Axiom #2: Safety is not a feeling.

Risk Axiom #3: Severity is as severity is felt

Risk Axiom #4: Emotion can be reasonable, just as reason can be emotional

Risk Axiom #5: Risk is opportunity

Risk Axiom #6: Risk can be an offering of worship

Risk Axiom #7: Reduce uncertainty with subjective probability

Chapter 10: Becoming Shrewd as A Serpent

The Art and Phases of Situational Awareness 

Determining a Baseline

The Five Senses of Observation

Coopers Colors: Levels of Awareness

Behavioral Assessment, Behavioral Threat Assessment and the Rule of Three

Means, Intent, Opportunity

Actor Mapping

Terrorist Planning Cycle

Devil’s Playground 

Chapter 11: Information and Death-Threat Analysis

Information Analysis vs. Intelligence

Range of Information

Predicting the Chance of Rain 

Context is King  

Death-Threat Analysis

Anonymous vs. Direct Death Threats

Intimacy Effect

Chapter 12: Risk Decision-Making 

Inferences and Errors

Stakeholders and Who Makes the Decision

Risk Detachment and Emotional Events  


Risk Savvy Decision-Making

“I” vs. the Group

Algorithms vs. Discernment

Practice under Pressure

Categories Influencing Decision Analysis

Chapter 13: Risk Communication and Trust


Building Trust as the Risk Communicator

Developing a Risk Communication Strategy

Cross-Cultural Communication 

Four Principles of Secure Communication

PACE (Practical Hardware Communication Plan)


Information (Mis)management

Information Management Guidelines

Communication When Danger is Increasing or in an Ongoing Crisis

Additional Aspects of Risk Communication When Risk is Increasing

Chapter 14: Embracing Grief and Loss 

The Suffering of Risk and Persecution

Enduring Courage in Deep Grief 

Show Self-Compassion

Grief Process 

The Path of Grief

Gated Grief

The 6th Stage of Grief

Chapter 15: Standing in the Tragic Gap 

Infused Vs. Acquired Courage for Endurance

Stress Inoculation 

Ritualized Endurance and Resiliency 

Food and Water

Personal Agency

Reflection on Thinking

Tragic Humor

Find Meaning


Empathy with God

Speaking to Our Soul

Relationships and Endurance

Endurance Under Torture

Courageously Remaining

Part Four: Leadership

Chapter 16: Systems and the Liminal Moment

Risk Literacy and Risk Savviness

Systems Thinking and Agile Cultures

RMT Before CMT in VUCA

Risk Vulnerability: Fighter Jets and Rocks

System Risk Audit

System Risk Audit Questions

Capitalize on the Liminal Moment

Chapter 17: Ten Mistakes Leaders Make

Not Changing Leadership Style

Carrying the Load of Direct Risk Management

Not Adequately Investing in Preparation

Allowing Toxic Team Members to Remain on the Team

Ineffective Communication

Holding Too Many Meetings

Continuing on at a Pre-Risk Pace

Neglecting to Emphasize Worship

Weak Personnel Selection Pracices

Trusting in, Clinging To, and Relying Upon Things Other Than God

Chapter 18: It’s Time to Member Care Job’s Wife

Authenticity in Suffering 

Five Critical Principles of Member Care 

Your Calling and the Balm of Gilead

Part Five: Contagious Courage

Chapter 19: Hope Like a Sewer Rat and PTSJ

The Sewer Rat

Discerning Shadows

Fear and Hope

The Cycle of Hope vs. The Cycle of Despair

Post-Traumatic Stress Joy (PTSJ)

Spiritual Demoralization

Holy-Saturday-Suffering and Hope Probabilities

Chapter 20: Mature Courage and Spiritual Nobility 

Spiritual Nobility

Mature Courage

A person of mature courage knows how and when to be dangerous to evil

A person of mature courage is becoming

A person of mature courage smells a certain way

A person of mature courage is historical 

A person of mature courage is “sticky”

A person of mature courage has guts

Vital Spirituality for Persecution

Walking with a Knife in your Heart

Zimbabwe Pastor’s Prayer, Martyred

Appendix A – Thresholds for Departure/Benchmarks for Return

Appendix B – Choosing to Stay

Appendix C – Risk Assessment and Management Training (RAM Training)


Witness Risk Glossary


About the Author 
