Risk Tolerance Inventory (RTI):

A Risk discipleship tool to help increase risk capacity

for facing danger and persecution for our Lord.

The Why:

We cannot increase individual and organizational risk capacity if we do not know what our risk tolerance is. When we know our starting point, we can begin to develop the areas of our lives in deeper intimacy with Christ through working through fear management, becoming risk literate, and honing our skills from the 12 Steps to Shrewd as a Serpent. There is a holistic pathway that involves our minds, hearts, and emotions and is both practical and theological.

The saying, “I just trust God” is spiritual naivete and blind faith that does not honor the minds God gave us. The hardest places left to reach for Christ are hard for a reason, and people can be discipled into antifragile faith that can withstand the adversities of these situations for the love of our Lord and His love for us.


This took is an informal tool in development for those in mission leadership, security training, and member care to use with pre-field and on-field staff. The Risk Tolerance Inventory is in Beta version.

We invite you to use it and make notes on what is helpful, what needs to be clarified/improved. We welcome your feedback. The latest version will always be noted at the top and made available at www.theologyofrisk.com. Write to Anna with questions and comments.


How to Use this Tool:

You may decide to pick and choose the questions you want to ask a candidate, pre-fielder, or staffer, and these can be used to have people respond in writing or conversationally. A suggestion is to send the questions to the person ahead of the conversation as some of these questions they likely have never considered. It’s important for people to know this is not a pass-fail tool.

The RTI has 3 primary purposes:

1.      Help missionaries know the critical questions that should be wrestled with and settled in their soul before going further into risk and danger

2.      Identify the current individual and organizational risk tolerance  

3.      Assist in seeing where the Lord may be inviting them to grow as they prepare for their calling. In a sense, this is a risk discipleship tool.


The tool in beta version will be released here June 2024.