Cambridge Dictionary entry for "myth," defining it as an ancient story explaining history or natural events, with examples of ancient myths and creation myths.


Below is a list of statements about witness risk to people in high-risk situations. Many of these are repeated as if they were faith-based and found in the Bible, but the manner, timing, and tone of how they are stated usually makes them not true and unhelpful, even discouraging. As we’ve walked repeatedly in dangerous situations, as we’ve listened to the global Church, we’ve heard all 16 risk myths.

To learn more about these 16 risk myths and how I’ve corrected them, see Facing Danger: A Guide Through Risk 2nd Edition, available here or here.

PDF 16 Risk Myths Uncorrected


Myth 1: You are never safer than when you are at the center of God’s will.

Myth 2: The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church.

Myth 3: Escape or deliverance is the priority.

Myth 4: You must be building up all kinds of rewards because of the risks you are taking.

Myth 5: Just keep a positive mental attitude and everything will be okay.

Myth 6: We’re not really risking.

Myth 7: We’ve already counted the cost.

Myth 8: Faith is proportional to the amount of risk.

Myth 9: If something bad happens, it’s because I didn’t pray, work, or prepare enough.

Myth 10: Freedom means security.

Myth 11: Risking is spiritual service; all this practical stuff is unnecessary.

Myth 12: Suffering for Christ while fulfilling my witness risk calling always glorifies God.

Myth 13: Risk assessment is unspiritual.

Myth 14: Feeling fear is not having faith in God.

Myth 15: The risk of being hit by a bus in Chicago is the same as being martyred in Kabul.

Myth 16: I live in risk. I don’t need to learn more about it.

PDF 16 Risk Myths Uncorrected