Podcasts with Anna Hampton
“The Kingdom of God does not advance when we stay safe.”
Missions Drop Interview: Fear, Risk, and Suffering January 21, 2025
In this episode, Anna Hampton talks with us about her research and work on fear, risk, danger, and persecution. Anna has done significant biblical, theological, and practical reflection on theology of risk and what it means for missions work in dangerous places as well as how persons in general may reflect more healthfully on fear and risk to help them in their decision-making and daily lives.
MISSIONS EDGE WEBINAR: Why Go to the High Risk Places? August, 2024
Scroll down to the video of the panel discussion led by Dr. Mary Ho, and panelists “J” and Anna.
Jesus mandates the whole church to "make disciples of all nations" or literally, all people groups. In this day and age of global internet access and heightened security measures, should churches still send workers to high-risk areas? Today, 85% of all least reached frontier people groups have less than one Christian among every 1,000 persons. Someone from the outside has to go in with the Gospel. Come join this panel of experienced experts to grapple with what it takes to send workers to finish the Great Commission
Facing Danger and Risk with Courage
January 6, 2024 - click the title above to hear the conversation Sarita and I had late last year about facing danger for the sake of the Gospel.
“Wow! This is a significant and nuanced episode where I speak with Anna Hampton, author of Facing Danger, A Guide Through Risk, and Facing Fear, about her life in Afghanistan, and how global workers can take mitigated and Holy Spirit-led risks on the mission field. We discuss how we as mothers can both protect and entrust our children to Christ as we serve in hostile countries, as well as practical tools to prepare for a life of taking dangerous risks for the Gospel. What does it look like to have courage in the face of danger, or life-threatening circumstances, and how can we reconcile the trauma that occurs as a result of our sacrifice? We'll answer these questions and you'll be left inspired and with practical tools to courageously and wisely give your life away for Jesus.”
The Clarity Podcast
July 9, 2023
Anna Hampton returns to the podcast to discuss her newest work "Facing Fear." She provides valuable insight and talking points for each of us to consider on the "Journey to Mature Courage and Risk Persecution."
Listen by clicking the link here. Or paste the following into your browser.
June 5, 2022
Dr. Ann Hampton joins us on the podcast today to discuss theology of risk and facing danger. She provides practical wisdom and insight.
The link to listen to the interview is here, or copy and paste this link into your browser.
Global Missions Podcast
Aug 23, 2022
Episode 186: Developing a Biblical Theology of Risk - Encore Episode
Sharing the gospel with unreached people groups can involve significant risk for cross-cultural workers. Anna Hampton, author of “Facing Danger: A Guide Through Risk” presents some ideas that can help both Goers and Senders develop a Biblical theology of risk.
Or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://globalmissionspodcast.com/186/
Oct 16, 2020
Episode 143: Developing a Biblical Theology of Risk
Sharing the gospel with unreached people groups can involve significant risk for cross-cultural workers. Anna Hampton, author of “Facing Danger: A Guide Through Risk” presents some ideas that can help both Goers and Senders develop a Biblical theology of risk.
Or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://globalmissionspodcast.com/143/
Aug 23, 2016
033: Myths and Truths of Risk in Missions – Encore Episode
Anna Hampton shares with us myths that the North American church believes about risk and helps us to better understand a Biblical view of risk and what God calls us to for the sake of the Gospel.
Apr 21, 2016
024: Myths and Truths of Risk in Missions
Anna Hampton shares with us myths that the North American church believes about risk and helps us to better understand a Biblical view of risk and what God calls us to for the sake of the Gospel.
Or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://globalmissionspodcast.com/024/
Shop Talk with Brandi & James
Oct 8, 2022
Season 2 Episode 7: Navigating the Risk in Returning with Anna Hampton
Join Brandi and James as they interview Anna Hampton, Author of Facing Danger, to talk about navigating theology of risk and the risk of returning to locations after a crisis. In the Fall of 2022 we are still navigating challenges of Russia’s war against Ukraine and other evacuations from around the globe.
Or copy and paste this link into your browser: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/season-2-episode-7-navigating-the-risk-in-returning/id1541651876?i=1000581992981
Counting the Cost: Decision Making: “Do I Stay or Do I Go?”
Executive Leadership Track | Workshop Set 1 Wednesday, September 28, 2022 15:45…
September 28, 2022
Counting the Cost: Family Considerations
Executive Leadership Track | Workshop Set 2 Thursday, September 29, 2022 8:30…
September 29, 2022
Webinar: An Introduction to the Theology and Practice of Cross-Cultural Risk
Description: Followers of Christ living in unreached areas of the world often face…
May 31, 2022
On Mission 2022 Dr. Anna Hampton
Dr. Anna E. Hampton – Barnabas International, “Risk in Missions” – A Global Perspective Author:…
April 7, 2022
OnMission2017 Anna Hampton
Risk and Suffering on the Mission Field with Anna Hampton Barnabas…
August 1, 2017
Global Mobilization
December 20, 2021
Mobilizing Missionaries to Dangerous Places
How can we help others navigate the potential dangers of the mission field? Anna chats with Dave about the theology of risk and how mobilizers can help potential goers overcome their fear of danger.
They specifically discussed the following:
How did you handle the potential dangers before you first went to Afghanistan?
Can you share about a time when you helped a missionary deal with a dangerous situation?
How does the Bible talk about risk?
What does the church need to understand about risk in the context of missions?
How can the church better respond to missionaries who live in dangerous contexts?
What should missionaries do when they face risk?
What advice would you have for mobilizers and pastors to help potential missionaries navigate risk and danger on the field?
Christianity Today Quick to Listen
October 22, 2021, Episode 285
Does God Really Want Missionaries to Risk Their Lives?
Parsing when doing ministry in the midst of danger is selfish v. selfless.
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