Ancient Hebrew scroll with columns of text

Reading the Bible Through the Lens of Risk:

Old Testament

Chaos at the Beginning (coming)

Tohu va Bohu - risk is not new. It goes all the way back to Genesis 1.

Jonah and the Anti-Risk Risk

Jonah is often used as an example as someone who avoided risk. However, this is not what the text actually says.

Gideon’s Men

There were three types of men in this account. This is an example of situational awareness.

Weaponizing Ourselves in Gospel Risk: Nehemiah did it...Why Shouldn't We?

Regretfully, Christ-followers have used this account to defend the use of weapons in Kingdom Advancement work. I believe this is eisegesis in most situations.

Five Types of Fear in the Bible

Verbs vs. nouns - the difference in what the Hebrew actually says and what gets translated into other languages is critical. But this discussion is not complete, in this blog post and not even in Facing Fear. What are the 4 times we are actually commanded to not fear and who says it? There is a lot of nuance in the Hebrew and Greek text of Scripture.

New Testament