Are We a Reef or a Harbor?
“Would Job’s wife want you to member care her?”
-Anna Hampton
A reef is a ridge of jagged rock, coral, or sand just above or below the surface of the sea.
A harbor is a place where vessels may find shelter, protected from rough water.
When Christ followers face storms in their lives, they often seek a safe environment to rest, find safety, and process the impact of their journeys. However, sometimes they encounter the opposite: perilous settings where their stories are merely fodder for the self-serving wants of others.
When I encounter a global worker in the midst of a storm, am I a menacing reef or a safe harbor?
- I am a reef if I see his situation as an opportunity to use my new member care “tools.” I am a harbor if I help him navigate to the resources he needs.
- I am a reef if I am motivated by the validation of my professional role. I am a harbor if I am motivated by empathy for the cross-cultural worker.
- I am a reef if I am eager to give her my wise counsel. I am a harbor if I am cautious about stewarding her sacred story.
- I am a reef if I am focused on what I have to do. I am a harbor if I focus on who God has called me to be.
- I am a reef if I ask myself if I have the right credentials. I am a harbor when I ask myself if I am the right instrument at this time.
May we cultivate deep rooted inner harbor walls
characterized by stillness,
remembrance of God,
calmness of soul that help us remain unshaken by storms.
Then we will be safe harbor people, helping others in their storm
find rest in God
so they can return to service
and engage with joy in spiritual battle
for the souls of men and women for His glory.