Unhelpful Things People Say In Risk # 2
"Risk unintelligent leadership does great damage - it decreases the trust and resilience of the team.”
-Anna Hampton
“Well, I didn't come here to have it easy."
This series is based on real statements really heard in risk situations.
The team leaders from across the country were being debriefed together due to significant persecution they had just experienced. One leader looked around at everyone and declared, “Well, I didn't come here to have it easy."
At that point, the safety within the group was compromised, since no one felt safe to share their struggles and fears in their security environment, out of fear of being further disparaged. His statement, with the tone and emphasis on "I" and "easy" made it impossible for anyone to share what they truly were struggling with.
Without thinking, this leader had implied that anyone struggling must have come overseas with the mindset that it would be easy, which wasn't at all truthful and quite an unfair implication.
Leaders in risk need a much higher level of social awareness and sensitivity to relationship management - both of which are critical aspects of becoming a risk intelligent leader. The difficult thing about this person was that he was in leadership with extremely low empathy skills, and was unable to respond sensitively to people in distress while remaining in an increasing risk situation.
Judging others, playing the comparison games, and diminishing those who have willingly sacrificed much to go to a difficult place has no place within Christ's Body. Paul and the early Church clearly and publicly commended those who risked their lives.
It is not dishonoring to Christ to admit to struggles, and work through in each risk moment what it means for each individual to follow Him in difficult places. Let's be "safe" leaders of those working in difficult places.