Fear & Courage Webinar 2023

Join Anna Hampton for an upcoming Fear & Courage webinar, on Feb 15, 2023 Men and women ages 16+ are welcome to attend. To register, please contact me for the registration form.

This webinar will address an introduction to the grammar of fear and courage, attachment theory, and the path of fear and courage. How does Jesus reorder our fears, and how do we know when we have enough courage? Learn a practical tool for managing your fear with the Lord. This webinar is based on Anna’s newest book, Facing Fear: The Journey to Mature Courage in Risk and Persecution (estimated publication 2023).

Global workers are warmly invited to join Anna via Zoom to a session on fear and courage in our global work. This session is for any worker who has questions about fear in courage in the context of ministering in hostile areas for the sake of the Gospel. I spent years wrestling with my fears of rape, kidnapping, and torture as well as the threat and potential of rape of my children (sons and daughter) and kidnapping of my children or spouse. Terrorist threats and mobs - there were many legitimate things to fear. Yes, I had security training, but there's a lot that practical security training does not address. Yet it is possible to be more at peace, more consistently, as you consider your fears and moving forward among dangerous and hostile situations.

In this webinar, I will explain more of the Hebrew and Greek view on fear and courage in the Bible and the path of fear & courage. We will go through four steps you can practically apply to respond to each fear as they arise. We will discuss "How do we apply a practical theology of risk and suffering to these specific fears we face?" No question is too small to share and ask about. This is a safe space to ask specific and personal questions about your fears. This is free!


What does the Church need to understand about risk?


Introduction to Theology of Risk: Tohu va Bohu